Scalp Psoriasis and Hair Growth Update

side view of woman with curly hair

Earlier this year I wrote a post about how scalp psoriasis led to a major hair setback last fall.  I ended up losing a lot of hair due to all of the daily shampooing and detangling it took to keep my scalp under control.  After a few months I was left with see through ends and breakage.  It was disheartening because my hair was actually in really good shape before my scalp went out of control.  As a result, I decided to give myself a trim and move forward with an updated healthy hair routine.

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Length Check-February 2011

Since I’m on a hair growth journey, I can get antsy sometimes because I don’t always get to see my hair’s true length under all this shrinkage.  Last month I decided to straighten my hair out to see where it’s at right now lengthwise. 

Since I have layers and bangs, the longest part is in the back which is why I take pictures so I can see where it falls.  At first I didn’t really think that it looked like much because I still have a ways to go before I reach my current goal of APL.  However, when I compared it to a picture that I took last year I actually saw how far I’ve come.  The other thing I noticed is that my hair isn’t as short as I thought it was since my cut in January.  I was scared that maybe I cut a little too much since I did it on slightly stretched hair.  Am I going to make it to APL by May…my 2 year Nappiversary?  For me, it’s still hard to say.  Either way, I can see that I am making progress.